words from the heart of a teacher


“I don’t usually post anything like this on Facebook, but I just am feeling like I need to say this. It has been a hard couple of days for so many reasons. As a mother and a Kindergarten teacher to 25 amazing 5 & 6 year olds, it is so difficult to comprehend this tragedy.

We continue to be reminded that life is so precious and is a gift that should not be taken for granted. Every single day is important. Every moment, every smile and every hug could make a difference in someone’s life. Check in on someone that you might be worried about. Forgive if you are holding resentment. Stop being angry. Love as many people as you can. Tell them you love them. Tell your kids EVERY DAY how much you love them, that you are proud of everything they do. Don’t every judge someone because you never know what it is they are struggling with.

We can’t expect our children to be compassionate, generous & kind individuals unless this is modeled to them. This could have been prevented. Someone could have helped him, talked to him, hugged him more. Everyone deserves to feel loved and appreciated. It may seem overwhelming for all of us to wait for a change in law, wait for a change in the system.

We can change ourselves though and try to make a small difference.

Hug someone, smile at a stranger, love more and be generous with your time, money and heart. Be forever thankful for all of your blessings because you never know what will happen tomorrow. I have never been more proud to be a teacher than I am today. I love my job. I love my Kindergarten students and I am so lucky that I have the chance to be another person in their lives to build their confidence, tell them they are important, smart and special. Today, tomorrow and every day, just try to make a small difference in someone’s life.”

The above was written by my older sister, and one of my best friends and heroes, Colleen Girard, this past weekend.

We cannot help the fact that these children and adults were taken.


“Today, tomorrow and every day, just try to make a small difference in someone’s life.”

Love them.  Listen to them.  Play with them.  Laugh with them. And if you are that person that needs the extra time or love?  Ask for it.

Please, let’s just love more Spend more time caring about those whom we share this lifetime with.

Much love and peace on this Thursday,


Published by beforeverlovely

be forever lovely, upon all whom you heed, for we together yearn, the peace within that's freed. © Barbara Lynn Lund 2010

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