surf the brave


being brave comes from within.

or does it?

i think it comes to us in waves, and we need to muster the courage to grab our boards and

catch it!

i haven’t talked much on here about my recent journey to change.

but it’s scary.

i’m a student again, and am experiencing the unknown, becoming familiar with the rocky, queasy feeling of unease.

i am in the depths of my fear of failing.

i am trying so hard to make sure my board stays right side up.

to keep my hands paddling strong, using my strengths, instead of fighting my weaknesses.

i will succeed.


barrel into something grand.

grip tight to the current that is the essence of my fear, and stand up.

it has not been without some gnarly moments already.

rl has been my rescue guy.

ar the smart, sassy coast guard.

and of course, i always have my Life Guard.

this summer came to a close, and i can clearly state it was one of the best of my life.

i had the best grades of my life.

conquered some fears of crashing into the shore.

came out stronger, more encouraged, wiser, and rested.

that reminded me that sometimes scary + hard work = amazing.

but now, the hardest work must begin.

i have big plans.

to keep paddling, keep kicking, and aggressively go after that wave of courage.

to catch success, not by bobbing uncontrollably, but to seek out the adventurous.

i am thankful for a chance to keep learning more.

education is a form of breathing to me –  if i keep learning, i will GROW STRONG IN MY NEW CHALLENGES,

my lungs will fill with a refreshed spirit,

& then…who knows what i’ll see, or where i’ll be.

thank you to everyone who has helped me take these lessons.

i am so excited to be in the water.

there is so much love and fun out there for us, not to mention killer views.

let’s grab a board shall we?

surf the brave with me my friends.


Published by beforeverlovely

be forever lovely, upon all whom you heed, for we together yearn, the peace within that's freed. © Barbara Lynn Lund 2010

3 thoughts on “surf the brave

  1. Are you grad school? I remember the quesy feeling. Still feeling it today as I beat my head on the desk. I wrote for two straight hours this morning and still feel like it is not enough. I love the line, “to keep my hands paddling strong, using my strengths, instead of fighting my weaknesses.”

    I try to duke it out with my weaknesses and sometimes pick the fight! Glad I found ya on Dig This Chick’s blog.

    1. oh thanks so much! no, i am actually going back for another degree, this time in graphic design, which is exciting and terrifying to me! thanks for the reblog, follow and comment! you made my day! 🙂 happy weekend to you!

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