
Latest Blogs

  • when it looks different than the box
    have you ever thought about how puzzle pieces are not square? they aren’t round, they aren’t rectangles. the pieces that make up the puzzle itself. they have swoops and dips, dollops and wiggly bits. they are made whole, then cut to their own whatever-size-final-piece-count-to-be shaken up. the purpose of puzzles is so we can playContinue reading “when it looks different than the box”
  • lately
    learning to rest. grateful for nature. wondering what if? knowing, no matter what: my Creator loves me.
  • . . .
    I start pulling the obvious weeds. Ripping with vigor at the thoughts that won’t leave. I wonder if she liked to garden, on her summers off, brave soul that died protecting her classroom kids. I plunge my hands beneath the dirt, digging up worms and grief. Refugees flood my mind, the yellow and blue ofContinue reading “. . .”
  • they got it wrong
    hi. i rarely can say that my thoughts are solid, as i continue to grow, learn & unlearn based on life coming at us superspeedtrainstyle. growing up, my parents took care to let us know we were loved always by showing up. they disciplined us with safety & love in mind. they had special traditionsContinue reading “they got it wrong”
  • peace be with you
    we talked : mostly about fire and water. but about life. beginning middle end. it was just enough to fill our cups without overflow. although perhaps we did just enough burning to become thirsty again.
  • planted
    sometimes you are going to be planted where you wouldn’t have picked. you have two choices: wither or seek the sun and trust the Creator has you planted where needed, & bloom anyway.
  • catalystic flight
    hope may be feathers found wind felt sing songs enjoyed. it could be juicy nectar delights dribbling, drabbling right round. soft cracks in the shell of spring sure to delight. for the bats darling… clear galaxies of catalystic flight. lessons breaking free from passage to raw growth (much anticipated) or cobbled bits after grief hasContinue reading “catalystic flight”
  • osmosis: prelude to the thrum
    i have found God in the thrum, thrum, thrum of a bass guitar, on the hill of the dry side of a beach, with a band from across the pond, singing through their doubts of faith. it made me weep. He: Creator, God of ALL, Light of Every Being –  evaporated goodness from their efforts,Continue reading “osmosis: prelude to the thrum”
  • if we; even though; i am
    if we leave out or exclude, because they aren’t blood.  i am thankful to be learning about 100% inclusion.  if we shame or scold because they aren’t saved.  i am thankful that maybe the peace i receive from my relationship with my Creator could help someone else experience peace too: even if, even though. ifContinue reading “if we; even though; i am”
  • The sticky wonks
    If your love comes in the form of a pie, bake it. If it comes in the form of a craft, make it. If it comes in a song, or a picture, or a walk along a shore, sing it, snap it, take it. Whatever it is that keeps that love streaming from your soul,Continue reading “The sticky wonks”
  • quietly helping
      That right there is a good looking cup of coffee, right? Thanks sis for the jealousy I feel toward your coffee delight. 🙂 I’d love to further this page, these words within me, and this movement of equal love for all that I feel so strongly about. I don’t have any sponsors on myContinue reading “quietly helping”
  • the crooked symphony
    each flower is not perfect and yet we do not point out their flaws. and each tree does not grow straight – yet we curl up in their shade not caring their species but just that they give us respite why therefore do we nominate certain people or places or things, to become the centerContinue reading “the crooked symphony”
  • i don’t have enough
      i don’t ever have enough for all of you. but collectively Someone does. let’s seek out that Someone. let’s put each other in the path of healing and nod approval to our fear-busting chops, that we together can fight this pain. this  brokenness. this inertia toward unrest. collectively, WE can be enough for eachContinue reading “i don’t have enough”
  • donotworry.
  • after hope
    how you carry on after hope spoken: you struggle. you weep. you laugh. then you start. i have never been good at finishing things. not work related things i get those finished for sure, but personal goal things. i paint & hammer. i cut & organize. i disrupt myself for yet ANOTHER great idea. toContinue reading “after hope”
  • joy :: day three :: personified
    today was not what i planned. i was home alone supposed to be working on homework. i tried. it just was a mess in my craft/work room and that is where i needed to do work. so my time was not wasteful but sometimes wayward. i actually started the day at the coffee shop, butContinue reading “joy :: day three :: personified”
  • joy :: day two :: in the details
    oftentimes i am too busy for the details. my brain gets mushed into thinking that everything on the news is the only news. sluggishly moping along like there is no good out there. no sparkle. no triumph. no joy. i wander in and out of a pessimistic haze, unsure of my faith, too much noise,Continue reading “joy :: day two :: in the details”
  • joy :: day one :: at the table
    are we not like the earth? the green easing into the brown? the blue jutting against the reds, the wet rejoicing loudly against the parched? are our souls not like the earth serged together, as a weird, ever-changing topography entrapped with unexplainables & iridescence? we cannot allow the distance of miles or the threat ofContinue reading “joy :: day one :: at the table”
  • Confidence Can Cook :: are you ready for some footballlllll?
      I am delighted to share another amazing recipe that my friend Ellen has gathered, tested, photographed (& hopefully enjoyed) with you all! Please, take it away Ellen! During the Fall season, I always find myself craving yummy comfort food. I think it’s a combination of the cooler weather and football watching that happens inContinue reading “Confidence Can Cook :: are you ready for some footballlllll?”
  • neighbors
      March.31.2014. we are created to be wild. we are created to be soft too. to know that it is okay to ask that stranger in the seat next to us if they are okay & know that they will appreciate our concern. because i have never felt bad about asking someone if they are okay, butContinue reading “neighbors”
  • yes.
    in life there are moments that you will relive over & over again because they are little or big gifts from God. the moment RL asked me to marry him, will be one of them: i said yes.
  • wisdom from my padre
      he texted me this pic, with this caption. i love his wisdom. 🙂   “if things go sideways, you can still find a way to grow.”
  • we are the choir.
      i am called to the broken & lost because they are me;  i, one of them. we together peek under the rock of taboo & discover what it is like to know truth, in all it’s show. to understand why & where & how we can love with even more fever than before weContinue reading “we are the choir.”
  • i have HOPE because it was SPOKEN (part one)
    how do you explain a special gift of attending a women’s Christian conference & a travel plan that makes you anxious (switching planes & a big Hotlanta airport with an embarrassing story to boot), & the connections from a stranger-turned-friend are placed in just the right timing? & even perhaps, how you sit next toContinue reading “i have HOPE because it was SPOKEN (part one)”
  • chirping, emerg…
    chirping, emerging, whistling, discovering, uncovering, replenishing, springing. we have waited, and she is here. welcome, sweet marching through april belonging to may spring, welcome.
  • fractals of joy
    if i change the color of my hair, it is the same. if i gain ten pounds of carb overloading for a race that i’m not racing (i’ve never done that! 😉 ), it remains constant. if i forget to say thank you, or good morning, or good night, nothing has faded. if i rememberContinue reading “fractals of joy”
  • #themustachesmile
    ***PLEASE USE #THEMUSTACHESMILE for your hashtags. I MESSED UP!***** #themustachesmile my dad has had a mustache my entire life, although recently he has grown it into a goatee. for his third quarter if you will. 🙂 and my dad is one of the kindest, gentlest, most caring souls around. case in point, he just finishedContinue reading “#themustachesmile”
  • usually-almost/always
    the world can try and tell me what i “should” do. what i “shouldn’t” say or believe. but i am drawn to the light of goodness, i am feeling the warmth of others in this polar h-e-double-hockey-sticks, as opposed to suppressing myself into being what i “should” feel. it is so scary to take risks,Continue reading “usually-almost/always”
  • the wellness of all
    the wellness of all the wellness of all and others alike is to be well with each other elder, teen, babe or tike. but what about the tweeners, or folks in between, can we give up on our wellness our hopes, or our dreams? well of course not, you silly, you ninny, you fool, weContinue reading “the wellness of all”
  • random thought thursday:: non hippie edition
    i had some braised kale tonight that was honestly better than the mashed potatoes they shared a plate with. insane. and it was the first time i ate kale! i feel like i should be receiving my membership to “Fad Foods of Yesterday”, since kale has been hip FOREVER according to hippies….and yet, i’m aContinue reading “random thought thursday:: non hippie edition”
  • ♥ goods
    valentime’s day. yes, i said valentime. sue me. (please don’t sue me though, i am scared of courts). it can be an awful time or a time of delicious smelling, overpriced roses. BUT! what if we just called it a love month, and perhaps gave gifts all month long to those we love? and ifContinue reading “♥ goods”
  • spring fever
    i want to be seated in the cool mist of a farmer’s plot, picking which daydream is my favorite. i have cabin fever. spring, please come soon. oxo, b
  • live.
    live a life out loud of loveliness.
  • frizzy hippie: volume 2 :: i can’t eat the glue, & what it’s teaching me
    source in the past half year or so, i’ve gone gluten free. this post is about what i miss (foods), and what <<i’ve discovered>>. i have not jumped on the bandwagon. but if you need to judge me anyway, go ahead. I (politely) just don’t care anymore what you think about my food choices.  iContinue reading “frizzy hippie: volume 2 :: i can’t eat the glue, & what it’s teaching me”
  • i will conquer the west
    about my fears, i wrote the following, knowing that only by conquering my fears of beginning, will i ever know if i can. the more i wonder, the braver i become. i am not the west. i am the north. i breathe the south. i embrace the east. but the west. it is scary, dry,Continue reading “i will conquer the west”
  • i feel so small sometimes….
    … because i am. i am learning that i need to edit more of me each day. take out the sour, include the sweet. exclude the negative, include the positive. i must not edit God. i must let Him edit me. i feel so small sometimes, & that is because i am. so is theContinue reading “i feel so small sometimes….”
  • love should be the pulse.
    goodness should be our breath. love should be the pulse. caring should be our guide, and kindness should be our platform. always. always. always, even in the season of different reasons, different books, different traditions. it should always begin and end with love. unconditional and whole. love. you cannot buy it, but you can giveContinue reading “love should be the pulse.”
  • turkey is not the only thing.
    jesus. coffee, sometimes with sugar, always with cream. the sky at dusk. snuggly socks. the warmth of the spring sunshine. rock and roll. cheese vendor at the farmer’s market. patterns in fabric. color. motorcycle rides. aromatherapy. friends who know me inside and out. family who loves me inside and out. spilling guts to strangers. kindContinue reading “turkey is not the only thing.”
  • love, in all its complications.
    i often forget that it takes work. like every relationship that i’ve ever had. he didn’t take out the garbage. she didn’t call me back. he’ll regret that he forgot to tell me about that one day. hurmphphmp. but do i stop loving those folks for those little things? do i cease to think ofContinue reading “love, in all its complications.”
  • i don’t always love Beyonce but…
    i saw this floating around the interwebs, and wanted to share it here.  because we must be courageous.  everyone probably understands the joy from music, and the healing from laughter.  Check out this woman’s courageous move before a double mastectomy surgery. the courage and joy she has in these moments is inspiring. what have youContinue reading “i don’t always love Beyonce but…”
  • push on
    sometimes your keyboard is a bit too sticky. perhaps that is your truth. or maybe your tires, or your days seem flat. perhaps you have forgotten what life without hard work looks like. or perhaps you need to work harder, like i’m feeling. maybe you need a break. a rest from the busy, or aContinue reading “push on”
  • 5 :: hopespoken
    one:: hi, i’m barb, and i’m going to the hope spoken conference! whoohoo! i am so blessed to be able to go. this is a picture of my mom and i from a few weekends ago on a family visit to south haven, michigan (which is an AWESOME coastal town on Lake Michigan that you shouldContinue reading “5 :: hopespoken”
  • faith
    sometimes asking for help is the strongest form of faith. for it is with the leap that our wings are tested, and soar regardless of the winds. faith is knowing that even if you land, it was needed, and you will fly again.
  • my horizon is my hope
    i can hear the rumbles, but it cannot scare me away this time. i feel the mist, and yet, i am not affected. nothing can stop this exhilaration of hope. i am able to do hard things through one person here, & the Greatest One Ever. me, & Him. with work & FAITH. He hasContinue reading “my horizon is my hope”
  • monday mantra :: embrace them.
    “Every particular in nature, a leaf, a drop, a crystal, a moment of time, is related to the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the whole.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. and, I believe this to be true of our lives. every whisper, every tear, every belly laugh, every hug, partakes to the perfection of yourContinue reading “monday mantra :: embrace them.”
  • surf the brave
    being brave comes from within. or does it? i think it comes to us in waves, and we need to muster the courage to grab our boards and catch it! i haven’t talked much on here about my recent journey to change. but it’s scary. i’m a student again, and am experiencing the unknown, becomingContinue reading “surf the brave”
  • His love.
    my love doesn’t come from me. it comes from what i feel when i’m reminded of God’s love for me. and i want to share it.  i need to share it. so i try to act in love. because first, i was loved. ♥ what kind of love moves you? would you mind sharing withContinue reading “His love.”
  • monday mantra :: necessary
  • adventure, adventure :: backpacking in the moonlight
    i went backpacking for the first time last fall. where you wear your food, your clothes, your space to sleep, on your back. and you set up camp at some lovely place, where the air is fresher than your lungs know what to do with. we went up north in the lower peninsula of michigan,Continue reading “adventure, adventure :: backpacking in the moonlight”
  • confidence can:: laugh. aka: that one time i tried to “do a photoshoot for an outfit post”
    first off, i am faboosh, whether the camera tells me that or not.  (a little confidence can, if you will). 🙂 but um…how do fashion bloggers do it? there is a super popular series, well, i’m sure that there are many, many series devoted to this, but i know of what i wore wednesday, byContinue reading “confidence can:: laugh. aka: that one time i tried to “do a photoshoot for an outfit post””
  • gooey s’mores
    i don’t know if it is the perfectly perfect little thumbnail picture that we choose. which statuses we “like”.  who we “follow”. or the idea that somehow beyond the visual pixels and colors and music, that these people, be it a blogger, or fellow “pinner”, or a coworker’s jealous-inducing status updates on facebook, that makeContinue reading “gooey s’mores”
  • Win 2 Round Trip Tickets to Fiji!
    how fun would Fiji be??? 🙂
  • snippets of summer
    enjoying life. smelling the flowers as much as possible. being asked to “drive” the Jeep off road out of a HUGE, DEEP, MUDDY hole… this angle does it no justice!  i got us out though, stellar off-roader that i pretend to be. enjoying the sunshine on this beauty’s face as much as i possibly canContinue reading “snippets of summer”
  • share your blooms
    if you have a gift, you are given that gift by the Creator to share. you may be funny like ellen degeneres. you may be kind like mother teresa. you may be joyful like a child after scoring their first goal. whatever it may be, it MATTERS. a strong voice for the needy, a gentleContinue reading “share your blooms”
  • stitching love
    Recently, I have realized I have several of these, one of which is this one, which is the catalyst for my words below. Some of us need it for warmth.  To wrap it around ourselves, and know that we are covered in its whole.  We are cold from everyone’s expectations. Including our own. Some of usContinue reading “stitching love”
  • the breath of freedom
    the curtains take in deep breaths, as if they know i need to. the hum of the day, the dusk settling in, my lap warmed by the addictive portal. i speak of kindness, of loving your neighbor, but it is more than that. we must love our words too. protect them fiercely, know that theyContinue reading “the breath of freedom”
  • what YOU want
    the hardest part for me about this here blog is writing for YOU my audience. i don’t know who you REALLY are. i know i have family members, and friends, and even a few strangers. so, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. for reading, especially for commenting. for traveling to this little siteContinue reading “what YOU want”
  • today i want to tell you
  • genesis in the blossoms
    the long winter has warmed. our sweet Spring has stored her winter blanket for anew. the brown, crisp grasses have given way to new growth.  green hope. this life is meant for twirling your skirt in the sun, and recovering the roots of spirit, with dirty fingertips. i embrace this time with a straw hat,Continue reading “genesis in the blossoms”
  • random thought thursday:: ranunculus edition
    ranunculus. is the plural ranunculaii??   i am obsessed & want to grow some this year. i keep seeing people post pictures of their gorgeous blue mason jars full of a bouquet of them. where do you buy them in bouquets? trader joes? farmer’s markets?  where??? (i am desperately seeking ranunculussssessssss.) source i am obsessed,Continue reading “random thought thursday:: ranunculus edition”
  • a grand opening
    my friend Colleen is opening up her vintage clothing and housewares shop, has been planning it for weeks, and she is opening it tonight! so please spread some joy, and check out the details below. follow her here on instagram, where she’ll be having her opening shop sale! yahoo! i’m so proud of her. (http://instagram.com/colleen_de_luxe_vintage#)
  • confidence can:: vitaminia confidencia
    do you know what you need sometimes? a boost. of vitamin c? of vitamin d? of vitamina confidencia. i tell you, it will change you.  i don’t like my pictures taken. i don’t think i’m the only one out there with this issue. i never have, and i’m trying to change, so that one day,Continue reading “confidence can:: vitaminia confidencia”
  • beckon to the ivory arch
    what will heaven look like? what will be revealed? what songs will envelope our tear free hugs of zeal? when the sun of life is setting, sprinkling grace along each day, when will we remember, that heaven is the only way? when the bluebird song is whispered, when the angels lead our march, when theContinue reading “beckon to the ivory arch”
  • i’d like to thank the academy…
    Right before the holidays, I was awarded by the sweet Allie from Counting Our Cupcakes the Liebster Award.  It’s an award that fellow bloggers give to boost confidence and give props,  of sorts. In order to accept the award there are a few rules you must follow The Rules: 1. You must thank the person whoContinue reading “i’d like to thank the academy…”
  • sprinkles
    of joy: our little guinea pig Gus, who is growing day by day, and snuggle by snuggle. of filling up the soul: john blase’s words, are inspired.  simply inspired. find his words here of note: beautiful artist/singer miranda dodson, whom i heard originally on npr. stunning. of sight: of my ever changing michigan.  she isContinue reading “sprinkles”
  • blueprint :: the Kitchens
    :: the idea man :: my papa was a builder.  brick by brick he planned the great structures he would erect in the metro detroit area.  he and his brothers became known for their quality of workmanship.  they have a few local Detroit landmarks from their years with the DMKitchen Building Co. but, in myContinue reading “blueprint :: the Kitchens”
  • shrinky dinks, light and kevin bacon.
    My friend Tammy said this in a post from late last year on her blog Raggle Taggle: “I’m leaning into belief and drawing near to grace. I will let myself be loved. That’s my broken hallelujah.” i am awestruck by the beauty of those words. and it got me thinking…that every time i read something trulyContinue reading “shrinky dinks, light and kevin bacon.”
  • please… enjoy it!
    the thing about life is, it can be stressful.  it can be downright unfair.  it can be sickish, and dirty, and grumpy, and disgusting, and mean. BUT…sometimes it can be fun.  it can be light.  it can be hilarious, and lovely, and comforting, right down to the joy at getting some new awesome mittens. takeContinue reading “please… enjoy it!”
  • if.
  • Confidence Can :: Cook!
    One of the many things I need help with is cooking!  I have a few foodie friends who I am always asking for new and delicious recipes, and my lovely friend Ellen S. was gracious enough to be the first contributor to the Confidence Can series.  YAHOOSKI!  I couldn’t be more blessed or proud toContinue reading “Confidence Can :: Cook!”
  • Confidence Can :: The Beginning
    There are things that I’m not great at.  Surprised?  Ha!  You know, I thought the gig was up.  🙂  Cleaning, cooking, and organization are a few of these things. Exercising and knowing when to be quiet are a few more. But one of my biggest weaknesses? Confidence. Just plain old, nothing fancy, confidence. Smiling big,Continue reading “Confidence Can :: The Beginning”
  • 7 to start
    With just seven minutes left on my lunch hour, I will start. I will blog more, share more, LISTEN more. I will conduct more PASSIONATELY my life and times here, and everywhere. I will be BOLD in the face of uncertainty, because I know that even if I fall, countless folks, and a very importantContinue reading “7 to start”
  • words from the heart of a teacher
    “I don’t usually post anything like this on Facebook, but I just am feeling like I need to say this. It has been a hard couple of days for so many reasons. As a mother and a Kindergarten teacher to 25 amazing 5 & 6 year olds, it is so difficult to comprehend this tragedy.Continue reading “words from the heart of a teacher”
  • life lately :: one
    hello life lately, you are better and better the more i remember my blessings. which are abundant. may you remember your life lately with joy and gratitude. **  linking up with Alli from Life on Leroy’s ((Life Lately Linkup)), and Lisa from Lisa Leonard’s ((Hello Monday Link Up))
  • the gift
    remember, in all the hustle and bustle until the new spring year sprouts, you were born with a purpose to give and accept love. there is no coupon or sale, or rush of the spending that can fulfill that gift. you were meant to accept love and give love.  isn’t that what it’s about anyways?Continue reading “the gift”
  • hello monday
    hello monday. hello rain turning to cold later (would you swat me if i begged for snow?) hello *trying* not to eat too many carbs. hello clean desk at work. hello dirty living room and kitchen, i will tackle you when i get home. hello fun memories made this weekend, helping out strangers, out inContinue reading “hello monday”
  • tank full tuesday
    certain things help your tank fill up. these are some of those lately from my view: my people being themselves and so so happy and excited before their trip this past august.  and more importantly, planning one of these adventures, for all of us, for next summer. getting inspired for the flowers of next year…byContinue reading “tank full tuesday”
  • grace for the winged ones
    CRACK! the poor bird smacks its beak into the window.  CRACK!  again.  why won’t that teeny thing just open it’s eyes?  why won’t it look?  doesn’t it see what’s right in front of it? it is never about me.  nor should it be.  but, even though sometimes it hurts,  i am the pane that GodContinue reading “grace for the winged ones”
  • leroy and his journey
    fact:  rl is colorblind. fact:  i believe in naming objects like cars, bikes, and machines. fact:  i have bad luck with cameras. in fact, these are all random facts.  but, my life is a series of random, hilarious facts that get jumbled together into my story.  here’s one of them: i have LOVED horses forContinue reading “leroy and his journey”
  • {insert your excuse here: mine was fear}
    to mankind, i may never be enough, but in God’s eyes, i always am. YES! i struggle with jealousy. with fear. with comparison.  bummer. i also struggle with too much i. but, if you are a human being (pretty sure this means you), so do you.  yay, we’re in this together! so, when i wasContinue reading “{insert your excuse here: mine was fear}”
  • what i’m packing, (extra too, j.i.c.)
    in case you need to be filled in, please see this to know where i’m going for the next four days. okay, you back? good. i’m packing these, which were cheaper than normal because they are kids’ size – BONUS! 🙂 i’m packing my big girl pants, (& no, that was not a rip on myself,Continue reading “what i’m packing, (extra too, j.i.c.)”
  • hi.
    hi. how are you? i’m good. actually, i’m SUPER busy, but that’s good. great things are happening for me. starting with being blessed enough to go to this! please know that i miss writing here, and i always am trying to think about making this a place of rest, laughter and comfort.  and that i’mContinue reading “hi.”
  • hmmm…
    “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.” ~Rachel Zoe
  • bike spokes, fins, & other such things
    i asked rl what to do about my blog.  be funnier and lighter he said.  oh, okay.  no pressure. let’s talk about how i name stuff that is not living, shall we? so what about all of those pages up top that say “coming soon, and thanks for your support?” you ask?  well, it’s myContinue reading “bike spokes, fins, & other such things”
  • sometimes
    sometimes i just want you to listen to your kids, and not just nod like you are listening.  (sorry a.r.) sometimes i want you to put down that cell phone and really tell me how you are.  ( i should listen more) sometimes i wish we could get a day off of work for aContinue reading “sometimes”
  • frizzy hippie gets fit – volume one
    hi. i am frizzy hippie.  this is what i really look like.  no photoshop, no editing wonders, no instagram lovelieness: i am very overweight.  i am unhealthy.  i don’t move enough.  and i want to change. i ate fruit and a granola bar for breakfast.  that’s a start, right? i want to be a runner. Continue reading “frizzy hippie gets fit – volume one”
  • a reminder for us all
    my friend Rebecca saved this for me. it came from her chocolate treat. i thought i would share, and remind you all of this truth: no matter your waist size, your marital status, your skin condition, your career, your age, etc., etc., etc… you are special, you have worth, your value is priceless, you makeContinue reading “a reminder for us all”
  • songs on a wednesday
    songs on a wednesday i imagine you are under a tree just like this. teaching our girl about good stuff, like morals and fish scales. the sweat and joy intermingled in your dirty hair. she listens to your every syllable. always has. you may fall asleep, you may in fact be rocking in your hammocks.Continue reading “songs on a wednesday”
  • weak or strong is irrelevant
    i am not weak because i cry, nor strong because i shout. i am me, because that’s the only person i can control. there is comfort in that thought for me. i have been told all my life that i’m too sensitive. but, the more i realize who i want to be,  the more iContinue reading “weak or strong is irrelevant”
  • a new kind to try
    your story is not ordinary if it’s your story.  because, you are not ordinary, if you’re you. trying on my uniqueness, as i’ve finally come home to it.  and it feels raw, novel, a bit too loosey goosey still, & absolutely, refreshingly, nice.   and to quote one of my favorites ~ “it takes courageContinue reading “a new kind to try”
  • random thought thursday:: rodent retirement homes
    i have not written. i have not wanted to write. i have not wanted anything but to be left alone. and that is hard to type out since i know it’s us that makes me better. me + you  = better. i have had a change in perspective. not huge, not overly dramatic. just that,Continue reading “random thought thursday:: rodent retirement homes”
  • favorites/friday
    focusing on good stuff, here are seven things i am so incredibly thankful for: early morning softball eyes.  they are the prettiest i’ve seen yet.  those lashes! little hands, little hearts, BIG impact on their aunt baaaaabs. (& matching jammies). a view from happy.  my sweet alex reese, a pit of wonder, the garden boxes.Continue reading “favorites/friday”
  • on my way to
    where to? i’m not sure yet. i know that there is a purpose for me feeling so purposeless. not in a depressed way, but in a professional, life mission way. like, where the heebies am i going? i wish i were….this is the quote that starts many conversations that i have inside my head. wondering,Continue reading “on my way to”
  • quietest voice
    sometimes the quietest voice heeds the loudest boom. who or what are you listening to?  watching?  is it uplifting to you?  are they making you feel peace?  is it filling you with kindness and happiness?  what about that person or thing is something you’d like to listen to more? just thoughts on a tuesday. peaceContinue reading “quietest voice”
  • true devotion, the five hour pie, & cold toes
    this is a bit of a random post. but, since it is technically after midnight as i’m typing this, that’s okay – qualify it as a random thought thursday, wouldja? it’s also okay that i am baking a pie right now, my very first strawberry rhubarb to be exact. my grandma Francek’s recipe. i tryContinue reading “true devotion, the five hour pie, & cold toes”
  • words of the mother – give away – WINNER
        ** this giveaway is now closed.  the winner is amanda! since i will be seeing you in a few days friend, i’ll bring it with me.  i was not sure how to get the little random.org generator on here, but amanda was number 1 literally, and as the winner!  🙂  hopefully some newContinue reading “words of the mother – give away – WINNER”
  • random thought thursday:: why linner edition
    Steak Sandwich picture courtesy of The Pioneer Woman 1.  we have brunch.  it’s great, and when my older sister worked at casa lupita (may it rest in delicious best-Mexican-food-ever peace), we rocked out a few family brunches. 2.  we have a “late” lunch.  huh? 3.  we have an “early” dinner.  wah? 4.  why do weContinue reading “random thought thursday:: why linner edition”
  • little green heart
    ♥ i want LOVE to grow here. i want UNDERSTANDING to sprout up everywhere.  i want FORGIVENESS to ripen within everyone’s hearts. i want HUMILITY to take root in all that we speak.  i want HUMOR to multiply, and help with those threatening times of uncertainty, but not at ANYONE’S feelings or cost.  i wantContinue reading “little green heart”
  • dear world
    dear world, this is how i feel about us today.  Thanks Aubrey Plays .
  • be the light
    i don’t know why, but this phrase is sticking to my ribs lately: be the light. please let me know if you know how it applies to me, and how to increase my bank account numbers with it. (not trying to get rich, just trying to get by). peace my friends, blf